We get
exhilarated by meeting extraordinary people or people with qualities not seen commonly
otherwise. We also get flabbergasted when we see extraordinary performances by
extraordinary people which are also not common. We do not get tired of praising
people in our writings or discussions or quotations who have reached the
highest pedestal of society due to their intelligence, skills, hard work and ability to take risk.
Those people may be top film artists, writers, politicians, sportsperson
businessmen, bureaucrats, scientists or anybody who is recognized by the media
or famous otherwise in the world. If we get a chance to be associated with
them, then we feel our positions are elevated in society. If any one of them
belongs to our community, society or country then it gives us a further sense
of pride and personal gratification.
Have we ever
thought about what makes them different from the rest of the world? Why are they
extraordinary? How have they achieved unusual qualities which have made them
different from the rest?
They have become
different because they are not common. Their thinking is not common. Their way
of life is not common. Their actions are atypical. Their visions and dreams are uncommon. They
are trend setters for the common people. We cherish the idea of becoming like
them. We teach our kids to become like them and follow their ideals. Yet we
act, behave, think or talk like a common person. Being pointed out as a common
person or having our thoughts or actions characterized as common, we feel
humiliated or insulted. Therefore, what makes us a common person? What are the
characteristics of a common person? What are the attributes of common people?
How do we distinguish ourselves from a common person and an uncommon or
extraordinary person?
I am forced to write on this topic when I see this duality of characters in people all around me. Why are people so hypocritical in projecting themselves to the world? In order to understand this double standard, it is pertinent to analyze the background and behavioral psychology of people.
Number of Famous
People in the world
Wikipedia has made some interesting calculations about the
number of famous people in the world. They have made simple calculations by
calculating the fraction of living people having Wikipedia pages. Wikipedia
requires a certain threshold of notability
for someone to get a Wikipedia page. They have taken that number and divided by
the total global population to get the fraction of famous people in the world.
According to Wikipedia “as of January 15, 2013, the number of
pages in the category of Living People on Wikipedia is 604,174. The total
global population is 7,059,837,187. This means that the fraction of living famous people is 0.000086 which comes to 1 in 10,000.”
It also means that 9,999 people or 99.99 percent of people are common
in their thinking, behavior and actions; therefore they cannot be recognized as
famous persons. Wikipedia may be wrong in their assessment. Several people
having extraordinary qualities may not have been listed in the Wikipedia pages
due to one or another reason. Even if we double, triple or quadruple this number, the
percentage of the total population having people with a non famous personality,
or common way of thinking, or people devoid of extra-ordinary qualities will remain 99.99%.
Personality Types
Therefore, we will have to understand what qualities make a
person common or non common or famous. To
start with we will discuss about the personality types which differentiates a common
person from non common people.
Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychotherapist developed the concepts
of the extroverted and the introverted personality which is the
characterization of human consciousness and its general attitude. According to
Jung, a person’s ‘psyche’ is represented by their conscious and unconscious
parts and they are in a self-balancing state. This means if a person’s conscious
side or attitude becomes dominant or extreme, then the unconscious will surface
or manifest in some way to rectify the balance. He also asserted that at times
in people the unconscious can surface and project to the outside world,
particularly other people. He also
characterized its preferences within the two pairs of its mental functions: Sensing-
Intuition and Thinking- Feeling. The three
parameters introduced by Jung are bipolar dimensions where each pole represents
an opposite preference. As per Jung, out of two one of the mental functions is
dominant in a person.
Later on, Isabel Briggs Myers, an American author and her mother
Katherine Cook Briggs created a personality inventory by adding fourth
dichotomy with the opposite poles of Judging and Perceiving which came to
be known as Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). As per them, there are 16
different combinations representing 16 different personality types. They are:
1) ESTJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking and Judging) – The Guardian – Exceptionally capable in
organizing and running activities. Good citizens who value security and
peaceful living. Practical, traditional and organized. Loyal and hard working.
Likely to be athletic. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless they see
the practical application. Have clear visions of the way things should be.
2) ESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving) – The Doer – Great people skills,
friendly, adaptable and action oriented. Focused on immediate results. Living
in the here-and-now. They are risk takers who live fast-paced lifestyles.
Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to peers but not usually
respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done.
3) ESFJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling and Judging) – The Caregiver – Well developed sense of
space and function. Warm hearted, popular and conscientious. Tend to put the
needs of others over their own needs. Feel strong sense of responsibility and
duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Need positive
reinforcement to feel good about themselves.
4) ESFP (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving) – The Performer – Well developed common
sense and practical ability. They dislike theory and impersonal analysis.
People oriented and fun loving. They make things more fun for others by their
enjoyment. Living for the moment and they love new experiences. Interested in
serving others and likely to be the center of attraction in social situation.
5) ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking and Judging) – The Duty Fulfiller – They are serious,
quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough,
responsible and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. They can
usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. Usually
interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well
organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals.
6) ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving) – The Mechanic- Quiet and reserved,
interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things.
Risk takers who they live for the moment. Usually interested in and talented at
extreme sports. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to
practical problems. Uncomplicated in their desires. Loyal to their peers and to
their internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and
rules if they get in the way of getting something done.
7) ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling and Judging) – The Nurturer – Quiet, kind and conscientious.
Can be depended on to follow through. Stable and practical, they value security
and traditions and usually puts the needs of other above their own needs. Well
developed sense of pace and function and rich inner world of observation about
people. Interested in serving others and extremely perceptive of other’s
8) ISFP (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving) – The Artist – Quiet, serious, sensitive
and kind. Loyal and faithful. Do not
like conflict and not likely to do thing which may generate conflict. Loyal and
faithful. Likely to be original and creative and enjoy the present moment.
Extremely well developed senses and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not
interested in leading or controlling others and flexible and open minded.
9) ENTJ (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking and Judging) – The Executive – Intelligent and well
informed and excel at public speaking. Assertive and outspoken and they are
driven to lead. They value knowledge and
competence and usually have little patience with inefficiency or
disorganization. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational
problems and create solid solutions.
10) ENTP (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving) – The Visionary – Excellent ability to
understand concept and apply logic to find solutions. Creative, resourceful and
intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things. Enjoy debating issues
and may like to lead. They get very excited about new ideas and projects, but
may neglect the more routine aspects of life. Generally assertive and
11) ENFJ (Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling and Judging) – The Giver – Very effective at managing
people issues and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others and
probably place then need of others over their own needs. Popular and sensitive
with outstanding people skills. Extremely focused with real concern for how
others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from
human angle and dislike impersonal analysis.
12) ENFP (Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving) – The Inspirer – Enthusiastic, idealistic
and creative. Abe to do almost anything that interests them. Open minded and
flexible with a broad range of interests and abilities. Great people skills.
Need to live in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas but
bored with details.
13) INTJ (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking and Judging) – The Scientist – Independent, original,
analytical and determined. Long range thinkers and have very high standards for
their performance and the performance of others. Natural leader but will follow
if they trust existing leaders. Driven to derive meaning from their vision.
High value knowledge, competence and structure. Have an exceptional ability to
turn theories into solid plans of action.
14) INTP (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking and Perceiving) – The Thinker- Quiet and reserved. Hard
to get know well. Individualistic and having no interest in leading or
following others. Logical, original, creative thinkers. Can become very excited
about theories and ideas. Exceptionally capable and driven to turn theories
into clear understandings. Highly value knowledge, competence and logic.
15) INFJ (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling and Judging) – The Protector-Well developed value
systems which they strictly adhere to. Quietly forceful, original and
sensitive. Well respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing.
Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following. Extremely
intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings.
16) INFP (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving) – The Idealist – Well developed value
system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Quiet,
reflective and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Interested in
understanding and helping people. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly
held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick and able to
see possibilities.
I think the above psychoanalysis or personality types do not cover all types of people on this planet and is meant for professional people having some extra-ordinary
qualities. Because common people's psychology is influenced by all kinds of negative and positive and sometime illogical, irrational and bias thinking due to their religious, social and cultural belief which keeps changing as per their mood and temperament. As such they have no control on their emotions which goes
up and down like a Yo-yo Their thoughts are influenced by negativity or positivity or sometime neutrality.
Common way of
Therefore, the above logical analysis of Carl Jung and Myers Briggs, have
not taken into consideration the influencing factors in the framing of a common person’s psychology. A common person’s way
of thinking at large is perceived and influenced by their family, society,
culture, economy, religion and educational background and in turn it makes
them an extrovert or introvert, judging and perceiving. For example, Carl Jung's and Myers Briggs psychological
analysis will become absolutely useless on a caveman because the caveman’s
environment is unique. Likewise every person
or groups of people have unique social, cultural religious and family
environment in which they have grown and their personality type, judging,
thinking and perceiving ability have also become unique and suited to their respective environments. May be the unconscious part of a common man's psyche contains these influencing factors as described by Carl Jung which are parts of their true nature and not visible otherwise.
The perceptions about certain criteria or norms are also based
on average percentiles of experience in a particular society or group, influencing
a person’s thinking or doing certain things. As a result, peoples thought
processes are cocooned in that parameter. They do not want to venture out of
their secured and time tested inner environment.
For example, at a common parlance people say -I do not want to
take the risk of doing business or changing jobs or trying something different.
This change is a perceived threat which they do not wish to take to become
uncommon. Either they lack courage or skills to maneuver the intricacies
involved in doing something away from their cocooned environment, or they seem
to be too engrossed in protecting themselves what they have without any risk. Common thinking is also marred by negative thoughts,
which makes them over cautious and deprives them of the resulting fruits as an
outcome of risk taken. And those who take these risks become successful and set
an example for society.
Common people will always site an example of successful or
extra-ordinary people as their role model but they themselves withhold on
walking upon their path or try to become like them. Because trying to become
extra-ordinary holds a lot of risks and requires extra ordinary capabilities.
There may be several examples of successful people; how they started with
nothing and became millionaires or billionaires at some stage of life because
they have taken risks and were not afraid of trying something new and going out of the set patterns of society.
Colonel Harland David Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC became
successful at the age of 65 after failing 1009 times or being rejected
miserably. How many of us can really hold on and continue from where we had
started off with?
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States
of America, had to file bankruptcy in 1833 because of back payments and debt
and later on he became the President of the most powerful nation on earth.
Henry Ford, founder of FORD motors and the most successful car
manufacturing company of today had to file personal bankruptcy twice. Likewise Walt Disney the cartoon creator and
founder of Disney World and Henry John Heinz, manufacturer of Heinz Ketchup and
other condiments also had to go through failures and bankruptcy. There are
several examples of people who struggled in the beginning and became successful
at the end. The latest example includes Steve Jobs of Apple Computers.
In order to become successful or extra-ordinary, one will have
to go through the trials and tribulations whereas common people would like to stay
miles away from these risks. Their personality is also affected by negative traits which are as follows:
1. Greed- Ordinary people
are too greedy not to move out of their dwellings or try something new for the
fear of losing it or craving for more with little or no effort.
2. Jealousy- They are always
jealous of other people who are more successful than them which generates negative energy in their personality.
3. Ego- Their ego is
always at the peak and they become offensive if they are underestimated. This makes them blind to see the reality.
4. Anger- They lack
control of their mental temperaments and become angry with little instigation. This reflects on a person's self controlling ability.
5. Hatred- Since they
differentiate between human beings - castes, color, religion or race, they suffer
from the feelings of hatred and disparity. This surrounds a person with negativity.
6. Clever- They are too
clever to risk anything for the fear of losing it.
7. Critical- They are always
critical of an idea or proposal and very good in looking into the negative
aspects of everything while ignoring the positive side.
8. Over Analytical- It is good to
be analytical but generally common people are over analytical and in the
process they lose momentum.
9. Show-off- They like to
exaggerate more than what they have in reality. This makes a person too small in themselves.
10. Uncompassionate- They lack
compassion towards human sufferings. They may talk about it but do little or
11. Conceited- They are sometime
arrogant and look for self praise. This attribute projects negative influence.
12. Selfish- They think
about themselves more than anybody else’s feelings. This suppresses positive side of a person's personality.
13. Religious- They pretends
to be religious and believe in ritualism more than humanism. Being over
religious proves that they have little or no knowledge of the concept of the God. They are more God fearing than God loving.
14. Uneducated – They may be
having several degrees or holding high positions in public places but they are
spiritually uneducated and boastful. Education is a state of mind where a person feels enlighten about the intricacies of natural tendencies, human nature and their behaviour, why and how people act or react in a certain way and gets the true knowledge of his or her being in this world. I have already written about the so called uneducated degree holders in my article ‘Philosophy of Education”.
To sum-up, a person can become famous or extra-ordinary only if
they are able to control all or some of the attributes of common people as
mentioned above. To prove this premise you may start analyzing successful
people around you (not corrupt politicians or bureaucrats) and try to see the
degree of above traits present in their action, behavior or
personality. You will find the amazing difference.
Therefore, to become uncommon from common, extra-ordinary from
ordinary one will have to make efforts with a positive attitude, trust in
oneself and believe in God. One should always remember “Success is not final and failure
is not fatal.” It is the courage to try constantly for achieving goal (and the goal may be getting rid of above mentioned negative traits) matters a lot, which will make an uncommon from common, extraordinary from ordinary.
Your comment is very much solicited which may enlighten readers
of this blog.
Suman Saran Sinha
A pursuer of logical quest