Apr 9, 2012


Does Life Luster without Luck?? 
As a matter of courtesy or in common parlance we wish people ‘good luck’ or ‘best of luck’ whenever they make efforts for achieving something extraordinary or important in nature such as school or university examinations, going for a job interview or starting a business or signing a large contract or any matter of utmost importance which may make or break in life.  We also keep using the word luck in our daily lives such as “we encountered bad luck and our car broke down, or missed the flight due to bad luck, or we broke our ankle, or unfortunately we fell down and injured ourselves, or due to bad luck we lost money in business, or the person was lucky and he won a lottery, or the person needs a bit of luck for success etc.

The word Luck is also synonymous with fate, destiny and fluke. Wishing good luck has become a practice in every part of the world. It seems that every culture believes that there is an unknown force which makes a difference in one’s life and that is why they wish people for their success.  In the process this belief has become a part of life and culture. Has anybody thought why people do this purposely or unmindfully? What triggers the practice of wishing good luck? This may also mean that one’s knowledge, skills or hard work are not sufficient in achieving their desired results but they also need the backing or support of luck.

As per John Webster, sixteenth century dramatist and a contemporary of William Shakespeare – “It is better to be fortunate than wise.” Donald Trump, an American businessman has also quoted as “Everything in life is Luck.” There are several anecdotes, parables and quotes which exemplifies the importance of luck in one’s life. It means that luck is something which can make a huge difference in our lives and we cannot afford to ignore it. If this is the case, then WHAT IS THIS LUCK? Is it something like invoking the positive energy around us or is it the influence of stars and planets which have the capacity to override our knowledge and capabilities? If not then why do people love to watch on TV or read in newspapers their zodiac forecasts?   Even those who pretend not to believe in what the stars foretell will secretly like to know what future holds for them in case of matters involving life and death. If we follow the western philosophy of positive thinking then why do we still face hurdles and sometime negative energy overtakes us in spite of our serious positive thinking and wishful wishing of good luck from well wishers?

If there is an iota of truth in this inexplicable word, then it means that our best of efforts and merit alone cannot decide our future. Then the question may be raised that who decides our success and failure? Is it the influence of our Karma which rewards or inflicts our thought process resulting in a certain type of peculiar outcome? If that is the case then there should be an implicit connection between Karma and Luck. Does this luck work all the time or only sometimes? Does this factor of luck work across the board means helps in all aspects of a person’s life or in contrary? If it works in some aspects of our lives such as our social lives, but perhaps not in married life or professional life but in personal life etc, then it means that a person can be lucky in some aspects of life and unlucky otherwise. If not, then what factors work in bringing good luck or bad luck in one’s life?

One may also argue that in a comparable situation where two or more people have the same capabilities the best succeeds.  However, there are several examples where meritorious or brilliant people are sulking and lesser ones or mediocre people are successful in worldly terms. There are also examples where people have all the materialistic pleasure but not the mental pleasure. In spite of the wealth and best of the merit, they cannot eat properly due to ill health or cannot have a peaceful family life, social life or professional life. There are situations in everybody’s life when our health, wealth, power and position have no use and we feel helpless. Is it the luck or a combination of several factors working against or in favour of a person? My idea of raising this topic is to discuss those factors which make a person lucky or not so lucky or fortunate or not so fortunate.

This topic has been as intriguing as the mysteries of the world yet we do not discuss and accept the bizarre happening in our lives as fate accompli. Those who are ignorant may also say that whatever happens in one’s life is God’s wish. Then again the question may arise that in the kingdom of a just, merciful, kind and loving God why would one person succeed or enjoy, whereas another fail or suffer? God is not supposed to be partial or envious or cruel or ruthless otherwise there would be no difference between God and the devil. And if your answer is that God gives to people as per their deeds then you are talking about the Karma.

Intelligentsia amongst us may also argue that it is the intelligence of a person which makes a difference. Then the question may come up that are they born with this intelligence or they make their brain intelligent by studying and working hard. Human brain is like a ‘Hard Disk’ of a computer which is absolutely blank at the time of birth and needs programming by downloading different software which is equivalent to our acquiring worldly knowledge by reading books, learning etiquettes or going to university, otherwise the anatomy of the brain in the human race is the same. Then how and from where is this luck factor coming into the picture?

Etymology describes Luck as “happiness, good fortune” of unknown origin. Webster dictionary describes luck as a “force that brings good fortune or adversity”. As per Wikipedia, “luck is good fortune which occurs beyond one’s control, without regard to one’s will, intention, or desired result. There are at least two senses people usually mean when they use the term, the prescriptive sense and the descriptive sense. In the prescriptive sense, luck is the supernatural and deterministic concept that there is a force which prescribes that certain events occur very much the way the laws of physics will prescribe that certain event occurs.”

Luck is also described as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Indians for long believed in the influence of stars and planets in one’s life. They also believed in lord Ganesha and goddess Laxmi who are responsible for good luck and fortune. As per the ancient Indian scriptures, luck is closely related to Karma and they are of four types which I will be discussing in the next article. Christianity has accepted omens and practiced forms of ritual sacrifice in order to divine the will of their supreme being or to influence divine favoritism. The concepts of divine grace or blessing as they are described by believers closely resemble what is referred to as ‘luck’.  Buddhism does not believe in luck but believes in the cause and effect theory which is the theory of Karma. Islam also nullifies the existence of luck and it is stated in the Quran (Sura: Adh-Dhariyat, verse 22) that one’s sustenance is pre-determined in heaven when the Lord says: "And in the heaven is your provision and that which ye are promised.” This may also mean that God determines one’s sustenance based on his actions or deeds.

Therefore, whether God has pre-determined one’s fate or it is a divine force or some kind of unknown force which helps a person to succeed in the form of good luck or fail in the form of bad luck. If this is the case, then how does this energy or force work in one’s life?  To my mind this topic is so complicated that unless one has an open mind free of all biasness or self imposed prejudices, it would be difficult to understand the philosophy of luck and theory behind its working.

As I perceive, the law of universe binds everything together in its perimeter. Imbalance is caused if any variation takes place. Likewise every action has its consequences and every cause has its effect. If we bring God into the picture then even God is bound by the law of cause and effect otherwise God would not have created dissimilarity between human beings.

This cause and effect theory is so subtle and intricate yet powerful and profound that unfolding its mystery may have insightful effects on our personalities. I have already started writing a book called “Karma Unraveled”. Having studied the sciences, I try to analyze every aspect of life under its purview and as such in my forthcoming book, I am going to analyze this topic keeping the latest findings of modern sciences including different theories of physics, meta physics, quantum physics, astronomy, astrology, palmistry, numerology, ontology, cosmology, parapsychology, human anatomy and physiology.

Being a former attorney, I am going to build the case of Karma as its defence attorney step by step with scientific proof for your judgement and I am sure to unravel the mystery behind this age old concept. Having studied accounting I am also going to use them to describe the use or misuse of the karmic energy, how they are accounted for and how it becomes a part of our Sanchit (acquired) Karma before becoming Prarabdha (destined) Karma. This will also reflect that how we build or destroy the balance sheet of our lives by making wrong Journal Entries (actions) everyday without following the principles of Karmaneye (ethical work) Karma and Nishkam (action without expectation) Karma.

Last but not the least my knowledge of management consulting will help me in suggesting Re-Engineering of the Karmic Energy and since re-engineering is a project, I will be also using my understanding of project management in fixing the karmic energy and at the end I will also be presenting several case studies describing how karma actually works in real life.

I am convinced that my effort will be a creative, exhaustive and a unique one in this direction and free of all biasness.  However I also feel that this type of project is not possible to accomplish without divine blessings and inspirations. Hence once published, it will be for people of all sects and religions to understand the mysteries of their personal, social, family or professional lives.

Meanwhile, I will like to have your take on the topic which may be helpful in unfolding the mystery of luck and making our lives more meaningful and satisfying.

Suman Saran Sinha


Jae Chyun, San Francisco, USA said...


Luck, personal character and being as prepared as one can be to take advantage of such luck. Out of the three, we can significantly influence only the last aspect, through observation, study and contemplation on what we want to achieve. However, no matter how prepared we are, if we don't have the fortitude nor "luck," then we may never achieve "success." It works the same way for the other factors. Even with great luck or character, if one is not prepared (we just lay back and don't try thinking everything is "luck"), then success would be rather unlikely...unless one has really good luck and things fall into place almost alutomatically (lottery, anyone?).

Catherine Zang, New York, USA. said...

Success belongs to not only the luckiest, but also the bravest who take their fate into their own hands.

Venkateswaran Krishnamurthy, Arakkonam, India. said...

Definitely. This luck may sometimes come in the form of an opportunity also.

Jason Darley, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin said...

A wise man once told me that LUCK occurs when PREPARATION meets OPPORTUNITY.

James McDaid, United Arab Emirates said...

As Jason has pointed out when Preparation meets Opportunity then the timing is perfect. My idea of success is down to hard work and luck, and the harder you work the luckier you get. So luck plays a part.

Brandi Mcilrath, USA. said...

I think that luck is only a state of mind, so to speak. Whenever you venture forward in your desires, doing your best and enjoying what you do, the one last ingredient to success is believing that you are "lucky." Or just an absolute knowing that whatever you positively press upon without doubt, will in the end come about.

Hoay Beng Ooi, Singapore. said...

Interesting subject.

Whatever you cant explain logically is attributed to luck or chance.

Luck is something you cant control, its something that happens. So if its something beyond ones control why bother? Let it be.... I see life as a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. Good luck!

Phil Goodfellow, Miller Lake, Ontario, Canada. said...

Very interesting topic and so well presented!

As you point out, 'luck' comes in at least 2 forms - 'good' and 'bad' (excluding "no luck at all")! So 'luck' can also be defined as all those external instances in life that confront each of us (and that we can often affect to a certain extent at least), whether the 'instance' is viewed as 'good luck' or 'bad luck'.

I have always appreciated the philosophy that "each of us are dealt a new hand of cards (ie instances) each day; how we play those cards determines whether we 'win' or lose'"! That may explain why some people have 'good luck' (despite many trials & tribulations) and other people have 'bad luck' (from bad decision-making?).

The other issue is that some people only remember/discuss their 'good luck' while others only their 'bad luck' (the Eeyore syndrome). Maybe some of us have equal amounts of 'good luck' and 'bad luck' and the only difference is how we weigh the outcomes (like a glass 'half full' or 'half empty').

T.J.Joseph, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. said...

Success comes when preparation meets with oppurtunity. Opportunities are, generally, beyond your control, but they do come often and sometimes we do not recognize them. Preparation is always within our control.

Anonymous said...

Once again a very beautiful and elaborative piece of writing .And I would like to express my brief opinion on this very mystic topic of “Philosophy of Luck”.

The word “Luck” or “Lucky” always draws our attention for reasons unknown. And my observance has generally been that, more the world is becoming a complex place to live, the more the desire for luck. Its existence is purely unfathomable, but certainly we have come across various happenings in our life, where luck has played an important factor in determining the end result.

To rely on notions of luck and to believe that life is a kind of lottery-is an attempt to escape from the harsh reality. Paradoxically, the only time a person can claim that luck is more important than work, when he reflects on his own success. The virtue of modesty makes the great man becomes even greater.

We all know about the satirical story which tells us how a soldier’s breast pocket Bible stopped the bullet en route to his heart. But Ronald Reagan had no bible in his jacket outside the Washington Hilton, yet he was saved and some believe that in some way he might have been protected by his own remarkable luck .Many people are of the opinion that something in Reagan had always been lucky; it has been part of his attraction, his charm, and the nimbus around him……so called “aura”.

I have personally grew up to my Guruji’s advise of “Do your work and the rest is luck”…..probably there is a luck factor-------believe it or not and the existence of which can hardly be overruled.
As Rabindranath Tagore quoted, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was joy” so my conclusion is “Luck” would only shine when one does his/her own work sincerely.

Shubhra Sen

John Barnett, UNited Kingdom said...

Personally I do not believe in luck. Luck, good or bad, is used as a justification for not taking responsibility for ones destiny. We all have the means to control our fate.

Najam Hassan, San Diego, USA said...

It's being in the right place at the right time but then again you can plan that too!

Michael Gotthart, Austria. said...

We have a saying in German "Glück hat auf Dauer nur der Tüchtige" - I don´t know how it translate into english but something like " fortune favours the brave" and thats it ... you need to work and being at the right time at the right place (which is also part of hard work to my opinion) then you "deserve the luck and - you alwas get what you deserve doen´t you?

Simon Engwell, Eastcote, London, UK. said...

Luck plays a massive part in business success. But when luck brings opportunities having the right skills and attitude play a large part in being able to exploit those opportunities.

Simon Haslam, Glasgow, United Kingdom said...

Reflecting on a chance meeting with the founder of Pizza Express last week leads me to the view that luck has little to do with whether someone is/will be successful but quite a lot to do with the domain in which that success happens and also the magnitude of the success.

Dr. Sweid M.Stephen, London, United Kingdom said...

Personal or professional success is a systemic process, whereby you need a combination of some 30 key factors to succeed, indeed when it comes to sustainability. If one factor is missing you do not succeed. Some factors are more valuable such as money or drive, and some are more easily replaced, e.g.plan. Basically you are interacting with a specific environment to achieve some specific goals, or responding to some arising opportunity, and you have usually to adjust and change to be able to cope and succeed.

If two or three factors are missing it is still possible for coincidence to bring them together simultaneously, and then you have a breakthrough. For instance, you have all the skills, the products, etc, but you do not have the money and customers. Some guy comes along and brings you a customer and helps you out with your working capital. Then you say I was lucky.

If more than three factors are missing in your needed combination, then coincidence or luck cannot bring them together simultaneously, i.e. very low probability, and hence you do not succeed, not even in million years. You have to make the missing factors available first. Logic usually prevails.

Imagine if the stock market depends on luck!

John Pope, Hereford, United Kingdom. said...

Agree with Stephen - success comes to different people in different ways; most of us do not have all the skills which might guarantee success. Fortunately those who have enough of the skills, identify opportunities where they could be used, and are prepared to 'have a go' can make some success. Those who by a mixture of determination and intelligence build on that initial success and make it grow may well call it luck. Luck appears to come to those who are ready to use it. I suspect that there is more luck around than we think - how many of us have good ideas which we do not then follow up and only recognize when it is too late. ' Luck favours the prepared person' is I think a Chinese saying.

Syed Ali Zaid, Pakistan. said...

To be successful there is a certain proportion required of Luck & Hard work..... Varies person to person.

John Butterbrodt, New Tazewell, Tennessee, USA said...

Luck is a phenomenon that occurs at the intersection of preparation and opportunity. Those who are prepared can expect to enjoy "good luck", while those not prepared can expect to endure "bad luck".

Anonymous said...

Luck is the path of your destiney. It takes you there, where you would perheps, never thaught about it.

Therefore, it would have not been possible to reach your destiney, if there is some thing called luck, it is the only link or path which takes you to your destiney.

Bhagwat Swaroop Gupta, Canada

Juan Pedro Guardia, Barcelona, Spain. said...

Luck "per se" doesn't exist, it's a result of looking for it, JPG

Abe Agha, Jordan. said...

I believe it does. After someone gets lucky and become successful, he will be called, then, brave, smart, etc. However, I agree with Syed, that it is a combination and varies from person to person.

David Matesky, Portland, Maine. said...

Yes it does. It's obviously not the most important thing, but there are situations, not of your own making or in your control, where you end up in the right place at the right time, and sometimes you might end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. What you do with whatever fate has dealt you is the key.

Dave Hatcher, Washington DC. said...

I rely on two quotes or adages: "Luck (or success) is the intersection of preparation and opportunity." And the famous quote I cannot locate quickly now that " . . . luck favors the person who is trying to be a special person in this world . . . . "

Luis Alejandro Graterol, Ottawa, Canada. said...

Does luck play any role in a successful personal or professional life?

The answer is absolutely YES...! but like everything, in order to consolidate and maintain the positive causal event (luck) one has to be prepared and work hard...! but "luck" is definitively, a major factor in professional success.

At the personal level it plays a much lesser role and this is because in our personal life we tend to exert more control on the different variables and possibilities, we are driven or ruled more by our own choices and less by others or the circumstances.

At the end of the day success is what we define it is based on our own standards and not by someone else's...

Talya C. Johnson, Miami, USA said...

I think it's a combination of both no matter how much you grow professionally if you never meet the right people you will never be able to put that into play

Muhammod Shawfieiyu., Saudi Arabia. said...

Destiny plays the final role in a successful personal or professional life.

James O'Brien, United Kingdom said...

A very exciting topic. I would have to agree and say Luck is one of Life's mysteries, one that in many respects is impervious to measure and scaling. As a fond sportsman I more subscribe to the principal that you make your own luck!

Balu G, Cochin, India said...

The lady Luck is the deciding factor in one's career development. Even if highly qualified and sincere peoples do not come up in life without LUCK

Lawrence Wasserman PhD, Washington DC, USA said...

When I saw this Philosophy of Luck that I almost froze!!! Why because I noted to my associates that I rather be lucky then smart! One person had an arguement with and another situation that project supervisor was not happy I said that to fellow employee. I stand by my contention RATHER BE LUCKY THEN SMART

John La Manna, Kuna, Idaho, USA said...

it might seem that highly successful people have been lucky more often than not I contend that their luck is real but it is a result of the sum of their knowledge and attitude towards challenge and opportunity...thank you

Juan Pedro Guardia, Barcelona, Spain said...

fortunate or unfortunate may be those that assume risks,

Balu G, Cochin, India said...

Even highly successful people reached the position with the blessings of LUCK. They might not have succeeded with their knowledge and attitude alone.

Mirek B.Chochol, Montreal, Canada said...

I don’t believe “Luck” is coming from somewhere – Luck as it is, is a result of your long term focus, your long term ideas you work on, your dreams you try to fill up. It is cast in your brain in your sub -consciousness. Therefore your hard work will ends up as a success. People will say “He /She were in right place, in right time, or she/he was lucky”- which is not true.

Peter Goulet, Kansas City, Missouri. said...

In general, I agree with John above. I have enjoyed a good deal of luck in my life. People have often walked in my door and handed me all sorts of wonderful things - including an endowed chair. Yes I was prepared for those things, but the opportunity itself was more chance than design. Often many things must happen together for the lucky break to occur. You can't always manage those events. Luck plays an important part. Takign advantage is often a result of both preparation and execution.

Hoay Beng Ooi, Singapore. said...

Mirek, I guess you are one of those who are programmed by a certain school of thought to believe that there is no such thing as luck. You try to rationalise everything by giving it a reason based on what you have learnt from others through books or conversation.

Economists are smart people with degrees and they try to predict the future based on the past yet few are successful or accurate and if they are its by chance and its not consistent. I am sure highly paid economists around the world are hard working and they plan everyday. If you are right they will succeed in helping their clients make money through sheer hard work.

V.R.Singh, Mumbai, India said...

Every particle of this universe conspires to your thought. I have experienced this and thus am recommending this to the group. Think what you want with passion and conviction, you will get them.

Vicenzo Panza, ITALY said...

to be successful we need four ingredients: Brain, Heart, Bravery and ... Luck

Shakti Dogra, New Delhi said...

i think luck and hard work compliment each other .luck is 70% and balance is hard work.

Frank Chritensen, Skane County, SWEDEN said...

I believe this needs to be seen in less general terms. In the area of succeeding in for instance business, sports or similar areas there is nothing that beats preparation, planning, timing and personal drive. Once succsessful luck has little to do with it. For an elite athlete one might off course argue that the luck part of it was being born with the right set of genes. Luck is applicable to winning for instance on the lottery. But again, in a general perspective this is just another dimension of statistics

Scott Mongeau, The Hague, NETHERLANDS said...

Nassim Taleb, 'In Fooled By Randomness', does a wonderful job of unraveling the role of luck in professional life (specific to traders, but applicable more broadly - essentially there is little hard evidence that the typical trader does any better than a pure normal curve from year to year, and can be said of many professions).

Also, I have truly enjoyed the new book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman, which points out that we are all quite narcissistic to a fault (by evolutionary design), being quickly very willing to believe in the myth of our own talent and brilliance as the fundament of success. The sobering, but enlightening, reality is that society and economies, as aspects of natural phenomenon, are a sea of chaos and turbulent trends that wash us quite helplessly to-and-fro more than we would care to admit...

I'm particularly interested lately in demographics: being 'Generation X', it is likely that professionals in my age bracket are going to need to wait until at least 2020 to benefit from the retirement of the Baby Boom generation, which outnumbers us two-to-one in North America and European developed markets (assuming there is much left after the US$ and Euro devalue and pensions are decimated :-( ). Essentially, Generation X professionals are statistically disadvantaged regarding career opportunities, being ever in the demographic shadow of the bulge of professionals born between 1945 and 1965. In 2020, the middle 'hump' of this demographic bulge will hit 65, and thereafter a a rising range of management positions should begin to become more available to those in the Gen X demographic (whereas now, there is a surfeit of experienced professionals seeking to work through to retirement, as possible given economic turmoil).

Well, I don't wish to be gloomy at all - these perspectives actually help one to understand what is happening and to support careful career strategy and planning in turbulent times... So, in short, I believe that randomness in the context of mega trends effects careers to a great deal. 'Luck' may be a misleading term, as it assumes we can not plan, but there is certainly a probabalistic element at play in the various games we engage in...

Helen Gerhard, Colorado, USA. said...

If 'luck' is defined as random opportunity or setback then yes, luck plays a role. You never know who you might meet, what situation may occur, or what other intersection of events may happen. Thus, if you are prepared for an event, that might be seen as good luck when it you pursue it. If you are unprepared for an event that might be seen as bad luck. I think to an extent we make our own 'luck' by the day to day decisions we make as well. That is, being in the right or wrong place at the intersection of events is often a factor of what choices we make.

Hoay Beng Ooi, Singapore. said...

Anyone knows of any research being done on luck?
Everyone knows what it is but no one knows how it works except that its related to the science of probability.

Seraj Ahmed, Hyderabad, India said...

I think YES it plays an importnat role.

Jack Blumenfrucht, Larchmont, New York. said...

Luck is seizing the moment; being in the right place at the right time and acting upon it. Seizing/seeing one's luck is based on the "activation" of numerous skills/senses: intuition, introspection, selfawareness, common sense, faith, openmindedness, etc. Hard work has NOTHING to do with it. You can focus all day long on luck and it will pass you by because you are not capable or willing to see it or grab it when it looks you in the eye. Besides, luck has no universal meaning. For some, it is becoming rich; for others becoming happier, finding a job, a companion. My father used to say: you make your luck even when "bad" luck hits you. I agree with this. Luck gets in your life when you invite it in and not before.

Zafrul Hasan, Bagladesh said...

Luck, chance, coincidence, right time at right place whatever you call it is there. Of course, having great luck can seldom bring out remarkable achievement. As if to me hardworking is a pre condition to enjoy great luck often.

Jawaharlal Pandey, Ghaziabad, UP, India said...

Luck to me is my own honest and the needed inputs, and this definitely makes a difference .

Lukasz Wielec, Warsaw, Poland. said...

Luck makes a difference often enough - to be in right time, in right place is usually at least 50% of sucess.

Juan Pedro Guardia Gil, Barcelona, Spain said...

Luck is a probabilistic aspect, it can have some influence on what you do or achieve, it can be ponderated mathematically, JPG

Javier de Jasso, Madrid, Spain said...

Hello to all and thank you for your comments.
In my opinion you do have to be proactively searching for solutions, improvements, projects, opportunities, operations, you name it... and the moment you find what you have been looking for, after dedicaing the best of your endeavours, someone may say you are lucky.
On the other hand, you have to take into account the probabilistic side of luck... but the more you work the higher you set the odds.
If you sit down and just wait for luck to come your way, you may be expecting Godot

Bill Herron, CHINA. said...

Luck is another word for confidence, having self-confidence can be the difference between being successful and unsuccessful. Self-confidence is one of the best assets a person can have, because it affects both your personal and professional life. The way you carry yourself, the things you say and the things you do can indicate your level of self-confidence.

Dalibor Filipovic, Croatia said...

Luck is an emotional reward for well-designed, developed and successfully completed a job or even the result of good thoughts. I would be happy means to have a positive energy that can guide us toward a successful personal and professional growth.

A. Michael Wilson, Bondville, Vermont, USA said...

Skill, luck and timing all play a role in a long and arduous career. Unfortunately, when some get the "big break", they forget about luck and timing and believe that somehow their skill alone has propelled them. One must always remember the other two components. It's funny to see peers with the same skills and track record up for the same promotion and as soon as one gets it, they are suddenly so much smarter (in their own minds).

Be nice to people on the way up, because you're likely to meet them again on the way back down! Never forget to thank the gods of luck and timing and remain humble.

Rajan Sharma, NEPAL said...

Yes!! But once you have the opportunity you must believe and give your 100%.
I was a tour guide and I was offered to handle 25 tues .I did and here I am in the business of Transport logistics for over 26 years and President of the association .

Binay Samanta, Dhanbad, India. said...

Hardwork with perseverance backed by lady luck should bring about success.

Dennis Strong, Barbados, Carribbean said...

I actually feel that the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell captures many of the salient points advanced by this question. From his perspective, much is circumstantial. There is enough systemic discrimination in all societies to deprive even the most ardent strivers and reward many who are seemingly incapable.
Of course I wonder what prompted the question in the first place?
God bless.

John Pope, Hereford, United Kingdom. said...

At age 19, long before the permissive age, I met a girl who was just 18. I proposed a few months later and married in my final year at universuty. It was the best decision I made in my life.
We all meet luck, many times in our lives - what we have to do is grasp it. There is plenty of luck around, waiting to be used. There are always more opportunities around, despite what Dennis wrote about discrimination. Even in the poorest parts of the world there are some who see and seize opportunities. Some make themselves wealthy and move from the scrap heaps to ultimate riches.
Our Victorian ancestors were very familiar with the stories of barely literate sons who mechanised industries and within a generation or two created enormous wealth.

Brian Hines, Detroit, USA said...

It is funny those who work the hardest at something, seem to have most of the luck! Coincidence, perhaps... Activity= Luck. It is has been stated, you put out in the world what you receive (Anger, happiness, jealousy, communication, love, etc).

"Be the Solution and Enjoy the Journey Along the Way~ B

Ritesh Kumar, Hyderabad, India said...

Yes for me operational definition of Luck in Professional Life is "Right Place at the Right time" as i have seen that since there was no worthy successor so some body withAverage Caliber got promoted and so on.

One thing which always stands out is work (SMART & Hard).

Lawrence Wasserman PhD, Washington DC, USA said...

Since I am person that started the thread when saying I rather be lucky than smart an event transpired last week. Japanese company asked me about 4 month assign ment Bangladesh great $$$. I submitted all papers then lady unlike struck ... The person who didn't agree to our offer has come back to us saying he changed his mind and will take assignment. I am writing a book called UNBELIEVABLE! Exploits of intl Consultants. And on my tombstone it will say "THEY NEVER CALLED BACK" Appreciate all comments seriously said. What good is it to have phd and 2 masters degrees when luck wins over credentials or experience ... The right experience the right expertise. My advice to young generatin it's all IT that's where $ was and is and will be. Find that niche.

Anwar Falahi, IRAQ. said...

well,sometimes it will help but,not all the time that's why they call it luck

Anton Gormov, Russian Federation said...

In my opinion 50%/50%.
First 50% is yours efforts
Second 50% is fortune. But if you wouldn't do your best you would newer meet the fortune/

Ian Pascoe, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA said...

Luck is serially uncorrelated, this would suggest that luck good or bad does not exist. Events are bounded by randoness, to some extent, as explained in chaos theory. I believe, luck is confused with decisions and actions that increase the probability of an outcome occurring. For example, a person who buys a lotto ticket has 1 in millions chance of winning. In contrast, a person who does not buy a lotto ticket has zero probability of winning or absolutely no chance. Should the buyer of a lotto ticket win then this reflects the randoness of an event occurring, nothing to do with luck. The person who decides not to buy a lotto ticket does not win, this is not bad luck, but merely reflects the zero probability of winnning.
I have been very successful in share trading and futures trading which some persons may say is related to luck. The reality is that I have undertaken signifcant research (based on a good foundation of Master of Economics and MBA) that has increased the probability of success. I have also successfully assisted orgainsations and businesses in set-up, strategic management, which is based on extensive commercial and solid credentials.
There is no such thing as luck, be it good or bad. Your decisions and subsequent actions change the probability of an event occuring. Surprise, surprise, the more effort and time and thoughtful strategic decison making the greater success you will have in life.

Some random thoughts on luck.

Harmohan Kawatra, Mumbai, India said...

Yes, luck plays its role. However, luck comes when you are totally positive towards your goals.

Ian Pascoe, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA said...

While watching a professional golf competition on television, I remember a commentor observed that a famous golfer [golfer's name escapes me, maybe Greg Norman] was very lucky with regards to his drives, fairway shots, putting etc. The other commentator responded with: "it would seem the more he practices, the luckier he becomes'.
Introducing luck as an element in success or failure, can cause someone who does not achieve (or for that matter does succeed) to believe they are being victimised by some form of "luck force", or being favoured by some form of "luck force" which is simply not the case.
My belief is that a person has the descretionary power to choose to do or not do something. Decisions to do something or abstain, will lead to an outcome.
In summary, I can be a golfer who believes a golf shot is based on luck (good or bad), or I can be the golfer who believes in himself and practices hard, but may not make the shot. However, I do not ever believe I am a victim of some notion of luck.
I have been in too many business environments, where staff and managers believe the business success is related to luck. A sad state of affairs, but when the notion of luck is dispelled, the culture changes and the business becomes empowered and generally success follows.

More comments on luck, comments welcomed.

William R.Smith, Atlanta, USA. said...

As General Robert Neyland is thought to have said while coaching at the Univ. of Tennessee, "Luck is the result of when intense preparation meets the right opportunity." Most successful athletes and coaches will agree to this.

Ratha Chan, CAMBODIA. said...

I believe in "the more prepared you are and the more lucky you going to get". There is nothing happen for grant but it need to have an effort which comes from your past performance or actions.

Binay Samanta, Dhanbad, India. said...

Luck plays a part but persintent efforts are required.

Balu G, Cochin, India said...

if luck is there, no efforts are reauired

Harmohan Kawatra, Mumbai, India said...

balu, without effective positive actions, luck disappears!

Balu G, Cochin, India said...

Mr.Harmohan, undeserved also succeeds with luck alone

Krishnamurthy Venkateswaran, Chennai, India said...

I entirely agree with Javier. We are all practical people of the world and let us all accept the presence of luck at some stage/s of life in some form or other.

Matthew Ogieva, Nigeria said...

No luck; preparation, planning and perseverance meet oppurtunity.

Tom Koltai, Vancouver, Canada. said...

Malcolm Gladwell handles this topic in his book, The Outliers, in great detail. If you buy in then luck does play a role in the sense that it can act to present opportunity (an athlete born early in the calendar, a young person born to wealth, a predisposed ethnicity born to a welcome age). Success is what then needs to be defined...not the luck that may have played a role only to have an opportunity for it. If we define success in the extreme then it appears clear that hard work (e.g. "10,000 hrs of practice") will be the determinant not the luck that may have enabled it. If on the other hand we define success not in the extreme but by whether one has a nicer car, then I think luck may have much or in some cases maybe everything to do with it. Finally...if we define success as "happiness", then we have an open forum. Happiness may or may not have arisen from luck. Happiness may or may not have arisen from hard work. Happiness may be distinct altogether from either and yet is the greatest success of all.

Lawrence Wasserman PhD, Washington DC, USA said...

As one of the original threaders on this topic when I said .... I rather be lucky than smart ... that I wanted to share a short descriptive story. I went to Indonesia on a bid by a German Company that won the World Bank project. I never met or knew anything about the company officer. I was the team leader but all hell proceeded. He told the client I wasnt team leader he interefered in my leading the teams work. He yelled and raised his voice and everyone in HIS OFFICE space where we were located that affected everyone being scared of him as we had walk downstairs past him to go out of the office. My good friend warned me about German company bosses. Well John was in Indonesia and I tried stop German Heinz treating me and team alike and resigned. He said he wouldnt do his project interference but John said he wouldbreak it and 2 weeks later as I was working 50 hours week he told me F ... Up and resigned for good. I told World Bank they knew about him but couldnt interfere and German Company Dorsch Consult said thats why they got rid of him to Indonesia.

I would say BAD LUCK it could have been million etc of bosses of Company and great pay 18 months of easy tasks to complete. BUT BUT MY LUCK THAT I MET ADOLPH HITLER!

Edgar Mertz, Florida, USA said...

I agree. But my next question is: HOW DO I GET MORE THAN MY FAIR SHARE OF GOOD LUCK?

Rudy Fernandez, Sri Lanka said...

Depending on luck for the succes of of your personal or profersanal life, depends on the personality of that individual, whether he is an introvert or an extrovert, the introvert focuses on his positive attitude in gaining sucsess and the extrovert depends on some external force that brings him the success. And I presume that this external force he depend on is called Luck, which most of want more.

Mahlomola Maine, Johannesberg , SOUTH AFRICA. said...

I believe that we create our own luck, luck equals or less than the efforts we make to succeed. If one put more effort to accomplish a project and that might yield to more luck. We won't be lucky by not doing anything or something. When i study for an exam or a particular subject, and the requirement is two hours per study session and for me to study between four to five ours per session that will help me to get positive results than focusing on sudying for minimal requirements. If one wants to be a millionaire by betting lotto, i can't expect to win by not playing/ betting lotto. Polising or harnessing one's talent will make one to be more effective and efficient when executing a task. So my chances will be higher if i put more effort that not doing so. So more effort the higher my luck will be.

Rick John, Sprinfield, MA, USA said...

Luck is a term that people use when they don't know why something happens. In life, we must know who we are and why we are here and have a purpose that is meaningful, before we can truly succeed at anything.

John Love, Tampa, Florida, USA said...

Luck is that which happens (to you), either good or bad over which you have no controll, directly or indirectly. I invite your comments.

Rick John, Sprinfield, MA, USA said...

If you do what you love and love what you do you dont need any luck. We have more control/influence over our life/choices than we think.

John McAuley, Wausau, Wisconsin, USA said...

Yes luck does have an impact on success. Realize, I said impact, it is how we take advantage of the "Lucky Break" that we receive that determines our success. But, we do need the break.

Mark Schwartz, Tallahassee, Florida, USA said...

There certainly is such a thing as good luck; however, good luck tends to overpower bad luck when one is well prepared and practiced. Observing the truth of this principle is absolutely amazing.

Michael Shea, San Diego, USA said...

My wise old Irish grandfather was fond of saying " Luck is where preparation meets opportunity"

Rick John, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA said...

If I may add to that........"anticipation is essential to making the right preparation to create the opportunity"

Love said...

For the 1st time since I was in uni - that's like over a decade ago ... I played BINGO, Facebook's app under gaming. Yeap, sure was un-LUCK-y! Sigh, two dedicated hours trying to BINGO-ed myself to no avail. Damaged-ego & busted self-esteem, no happiness when defeated by the no-luck 'syndrome'.
Hours passed, few minutes to midnight ... suddenly a strange eureka ticked an unanimous agreement to ponder on the THEORY OF LUCK! I said these words, verbatim: "Interesting, the study of LUCK. A really good thesis topic for research ... is LUCK science? Is it mathematical? OR? ..." I silenced my senses, tuned into my thoughts deeper. As the mind analyse LUCK, my body functionally-in-support of the brain's state of work: to crystal d gem LUCK! - got into d mind-mapping mode. I drew a diagram inside my notebook. Trying to synthesize what is LUCK, from my own understanding. My 1st diagram described LUCK in a chain-like almost ala' an ecosystem. Here's the description:


At this point, I thought: Now, what is LUCK, in equation to '?' ... Finally, I concluded my 1st diagnosis of LUCK!

My 1st postulation: LUCK is DIVINE.

(NOTE: This is just my 1st preliminary assumption to achieve postulation no.1. Further thought-analysis MUST be scrutinized.)

Then, as every good philosopher must be passionate, no doubt with Mathematics - the most sacred field of science that postulate 'NUMBERS NEVER LIE." Therefore, without no doubt, TRUTH beyond truth.

In my 2nd diagram, I decided to create a mathematical logic to support if this postulation: LUCK is DIVINE - because to stand TRUTH, postulation no.1 must be either scientifically or mathematically proven to be accepted as a prior art.

Since DIVINE speculates faith denoting religion, hence scientific perspective is considered not-withstanding a non-measurable method to support my thesis that LUCK IS DIVINE. Therefore, adopting the mathematical school of thoughts in a research attempt.

Moving on. Here's my 2nd diagram (of mind-mapping, that is based on postulation no.1:


SO, in a mathematical theorem to postulate assumption No.1, a logical chain of formulae might look like this?


By the time I reached this juncture, my mind went blank. OK. PROBLEM. DOES THIS EVEN LOOK LIKE A formulae at all?

I decided, reach out for HELP ... SOS. Search for 'THEORY OF LUCK IN PHILOSOPHY' in Bing!

Within seconds, aplenty of choices of varied thoughts. I flickered gazing the 1st eye-grabbing title. (A thought: was that motion termed, 'just by pure luck'? cos my next sentence was) I clicked PHILOSOPHY OF LUCK ... and directed to this blog page written wonderfully by such a great mind ... I am honored. Alas, I did not BINGO ...but lucky enough to chance upon this ETERNAL FEELINGS.

Dear sir or to anyone reading my clumsy-thought-in-writing posting ... if there is anything that I wrote made any sense OR just vote YES or NO: IS LUCK DIVINE? Simply answer. I am excited to gauge everyone's opinion. THE consensus can be a certain spark of light to surface this mutual wonder on LUCK.

Cheers, everyone! May the light of LUCK be with you.

Peace, Love.

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